To begin with I rearranged my classroom. We moved from 5 larger tables to 7 smaller tables so the largest group now had 5 children in and the smaller groups had 4. The groups were all mixed ability and were chosen quite carefully so that everyone would be supported and extended where necessary.
I split the day into sessions and everything was linked to the Championship. In terms of timing I wasn't too sure how they would react so there was 12 sessions to fit into the week of learning. With Friday afternoon being given over to Golden Time and Circle Time (my PPA).
Session 1
English AF3 Adapt speech to role
English AF2 Appropriate style of writing
English AF1 Relevant word choices.
Children are introduced to the four characters that are in their team.
Children to construct a team member and attribute a specific skill set to either a mechanic, a driver, a navigator or a team boss. Children to think of effective names.
Session 2
Art & Design. To appreciate the impacts of colours on simple designs
Art & Design. Select & use simple ICT tools.
Children create individual designs for their team logo, incorporating a team name and appropriate logo. Children to think about the impact of their 3 colour design.
Children choose one design from team of 4 and create the design using 2Paint.
Session 3
Mathematics To gather relevant information.
Mathematics To display information in tables
Children practice using a ruler to join number bonds with a straight line.
Children to construct, using rulers, a suitable table to display information from the MarioKart Time trials. Children to decide as a team how big/small their table cells should be. Ensure good use of ruler.
Session 4
Timetrial - to try out different vehicles on the tracks.
Children complete time trial worksheet, suggesting the reason for choosing specific vehicle (Must be good on racing track) Also children record in a tally the vehicles and characters chosen for Data Handling Session 6.
Session 5
Design & Technology - To carry out research appropriate to the task.
Design Technology – Choose appropriate materials for axles
Children to use books and the internet to research vehicles that are appropriate for a given terrain and suggest reasons for the specific design features of this vehicle.
i.e. A 4x4 vehicle is suitable for a muddy track because of its ground clearance, large wheels with large tread, short front and back for hills. Whereas a F1 vehicle would not be suitable for this terrain.
Children to experiment with making fixed and free axles using a variety of materials. Children to explore types of axles on common toy vehicles.
Session 6
Mathematics – To construct bar charts and pictograms
Mathematics – Communicate ideas using a block graph
Establish features of bar chart with children, continue thinking about using a ruler effectively. Ensure 2 axes, gaps between bars, regular intervals for data, axes labels, main title.
Children use data collected in previous session to create 2 bar graphs. One for the characters chosen and one for the vehicles chosen. Characters graph to be guided and vehicle graph independent.
Session 7
English – AF6 Identify the main purpose of a text
English – AF7 Recognise the features of the context of texts.
English – AF2 Recall specific information when responding to texts.
Children to read and investigate a newspaper report on the British Grand Prix.
Identify the 5 w’s in the text (Who, What, Where, When & Why) and begin thinking about the key features of a newspaper report. Begin to set success criteria for newspaper reports.
Session 8
Mathematics – Extract and interpret information from a graph
Children to answer a series of questions relating to the graphs constructed in session 6.
Children to complete entry form and race in the warm up race – ensure that all children have now taken part in the races.
Session 9
English – AF3 Extend experience and ideas, adapting speech to roles.
English – AF2 Listens to speaker and makes comments and suggestions
*Critical Incident* Children are advised that there has been some alleged cheating in previous race. Children to look at evidence pack and establish 3 questions to ask hot seated adults. Chair-person of the inquiry, mechanic and driver to answer questions from children regarding the events.
Session 10
English – AF7 Makes adventurous word choices
English – AF2 Adopts the appropriate style of writing
English – AF1 Display relevant and apt word choices for the style of writing.
English – AF3 Sequences ideas and material
Children to write a newspaper report based on the incidents of session 9. Ensure that children follow a sequence and develop understanding of using the 5W’s when writing reports.
Session 11
Championship race 1. Children to complete form, collecting information about names of drivers and type of vehicle chosen for specific track.
Children to race against each other and teams are awarded points for their position.
Children to complete post race interview sheets, drivers comment on effectiveness and mechanics on vehicle choice. Team bosses write about the teams involved and final positions. Navigator to sum up the race in terms of how close it was, the major events etc.
Session 12
English – AF7 Makes adventurous word choices
English – AF2 Adopts the appropriate style of writing
English – AF1 Display relevant and apt word choices for the style of writing.
English – AF3 Sequences ideas and material
Guided writing: As a group children use post race interview notes to create a report on the race.
This was week one of a two week trial. The children were amazed by the amount of work that they were producing, not only that they had produced work that was of an excellent quality.
Week 2 coming soon....
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